All my clients have access to an online portal that provides instant communication about their case.
  1. Access to Case Documents
    Through the MyCase portal, you can review and comment on documents that are relevant to your case. You can even upload documents to the case file for my review and use. This is available anytime and place through any internet device.
  2. MyCase Application
    There is a MyCase application available for smart phones to make access to MyCase easier. This is an optional, but very helpful application.
  3. Instant Messaging
    We can communicate with each other by secure message. This system is more secure than email and comes to me anytime, day or night, no matter where I am. You always have access to your attorney with no secretary and paralegal acting as a gatekeeper. I can reach you just as easily when something important happens in your case.
  4. Calendar
    Every important date to your case is noted. You are advised by email when a new date becomes important.
  5. Billing information
    You will have access to any time or expense information instantly. Depending on your case you may be billed hourly or on a contingency basis. In either case, you will always know what your costs are for your case.
  6. Credit Card or Echeck
    You will be able to pay for fees or expenses by credit card or by echeck directly from your checking account. Depending on our agreement, you may also be able to budget your legal expenses based on a payment plan.